C. Term and Scope. The contract shall begin on the date specified in the Contract and shall continue through 12:00 midnight, of the date specified in the Contract. If the Secretary of State desires to renew the Contract beyond the initial term, written notice will be provided to the Contractor sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial term. The Contract shall not extend before the date specified in the contract. Any renewal of the Contract shall be dependent upon the appropriation of funding by the Louisiana Legislature sufficient to support the continuation of the agreement. The Contractor shall provide all necessary services in connection with any and all regular and special elections regulated or conducted by the State. The Contractor shall be responsible for drayage services in connection with the number of voting machines specified here and all supplies and other election paraphernalia related thereto, including but not limited to precinct registers and “Vote Here” signs. The Contractor expressly acknowledges that the number of voting machines to be transported will vary depending on the type of election (statewide, tax election, etc.) or demonstration. Voting machines that are used in a precinct located inside a voting machine warehouse are not a part of the Contract, unless prior approval is given by the Secretary of State.