1. Precinct Registers - The Contractor shall obtain the precinct registers from the Parish Registrar of Voters, which precinct registers shall be delivered by the Contractor to the designated voting machine warehouse(s) for insertion in the proper voting machines by the Parish Custodian. Following an election, the Contractor shall return all precinct registers and any “ROV Envelopes” to the Parish Registrar of Voters at a time designated by the Secretary of State. With the express, written permission of the Secretary of State the Contractor may be relieved of this responsibility, if it is adequately performed by the Parish Registrar of Voters. 2. “Vote Here” Signs – The Contractor shall obtain the “Vote Here” signs from the warehouse and shall deliver them with the voting machines to the designated precincts to be put in place on Election Day by the commissioners. Following the election, the Contractor shall return the “Vote Here” signs to the warehouse at the same time the Contractor transports the voting machines back to the warehouse. 3. Covering and Loading - Only enclosed trucks or enclosed trailers may be used to transport voting machines. Tarps or any other type of covering on an open truck or trailer is not acceptable to transport voting machines. The Contractor shall cover all voting machines to be transported with individual machine covers and load all such voting machines out of the warehouses in which the voting machines are stored between elections. The voting machines shall be loaded and tied on the trucks to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State or his designated representative. Proper moving straps must be used. Rope or twine of any strength shall not be used. 4. Hauling, Delivering, and Set-up - The Contractor shall perform all hauling or drayage necessary to distribute the voting machines from the warehouse to the polling precincts and/or demonstration sites, as designated by the Parish Custodian. In performing such duties, the Contractor shall supply all needed labor and equipment at the Contractor’s sole expense. The Contractor shall deliver and unload the voting machines and their paraphernalia, together with keys to each voting machine, obtain a receipt for the same from the Deputy Parish Custodian and then shall raise the voting machines to voting position, if necessary. 5. Voting Machine Chain of Custody Form - Upon receipt of voting machines from warehouses, delivery to precincts, and return to warehouse, the Voting Machine Chain of Custody Form must be completed and signed by Drayman, or his designee, and Custodian.