The Contractor shall remove two Bogner 800Mhz antennas with associated mounting brackets, one at 400’ the other at 380’. The Contractor shall remove the two coaxial feedlines associated with the two Bogner antennas. The Contractor shall remove existing strobes, beacons, obstruction lights and all tower light hardware from tower structure. The Contractor shall replace Type E-2/3DB Controller located inside communications shelter. Provide all necessary electrical and grounding connections to controller. Preferred controller: International Tower Lighting - ILS-3600-0IR The Contractor shall install three LED Medium Intensity Beacons, Type L-864/865 dual Red/White FAA full kit in place of existing Strobe Lights. To include braided shield control cable interface and hardware. All tower light control cables shall be securely fastened to cable trays and tower structure with proper secure cable ties by the Contractor. The Contractor shall replace existing photocell Sensor fixture with new NEMA twist lock plug type fixture, if applicable. All Strobes / Beacons, Obstruction lights and controller unit shall be properly grounded to R56 standards by the Contractor. All alarm outputs shall be reconnected to the Department of Public Safety’s alarm controller...