The Town of Hebron is soliciting qualifications from Architectural Firms to provide the Evaluation of the Existing Department of Public Works facility located at 550 Old Colchester Road and to provide Recommendations, Design, Bid Documents, Contract Administration, and Closeout for a new Department of Public Works facility to be constructed on the existing site. The selected Architectural Firm (The Firm) shall be the “Lead” on the Project. The Firm shall demonstrate their experience in similar construction of municipal Public Works facilities. The statement of Qualifications must identify both the lead Architect and the Project Manager (A/PM), if not the same individual, that is experienced in such similar projects that will be responsible for undertaking the evaluation, recommendations, design, bid document preparation, contract administration, and closeout of the project. The designated A/PM shall have been responsible for at least three (3) of the five (5) or more listed projects and shall be similar in nature.