The MP-750_052808 Multiplex Network Diagnostic Trainer, EC-140H_052944 Cutaway Hybrid Engine and Drive Train (Prius 3rd Generation), and EV-601-TS_053322 Tesla Model 3 Training System from ConsuLab Educatech, Inc. offer unparalleled features not found in competitors' products. These include fully functional cutaway systems with proprietary software and curriculum specifically tailored for instructional use. The Tesla Model 3 Training System provides hands-on learning with advanced EVspecific components, including high-voltage battery systems, motor drive units, and integrated diagnostics. Additionally, the proprietary curriculum aligns with industry standards, ensuring students gain real-world, relevant skills. These products are exclusively distributed by Silverstone Systems, LLC (dba: DAKTIC) in select states, including Utah. The unique features of these trainers are essential for providing students with the practical skills required to work on modern hybrid and electric vehicles. The cutaway systems allow for direct observation and manipulation of real-world components such as high-voltage batteries, motor drives, and multiplex networks, which are critical for understanding advanced automotive systems. The proprietary software and curriculum ensure that instruction is aligned with current industry standards, giving students a competitive edge in the job market. Moreover, the availability of these specific trainers supports the university’s goal to prepare graduates for emerging trends in automotive technology, including electric and hybrid propulsion systems, ensuring alignment with industry needs and accreditation requirements. UVU Automotive reviewed other hybrid and EV cutaway systems from other vendors. However, none offered the same level of integration between hardware, proprietary software, and curriculum as the ConsuLab systems.