The Project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary for construction of a potable water booster pumping station at 1023 Cassville Road in Cartersville, Georgia, including: a precast concrete metering vault, precast concrete double check valve vault, a masonry pump station building, three 100 hp horizontal split case pumps with VFD’s, three 8-inch pump control valves, a 16-inch magnetic flow meter in precast concrete vault, a 5 ton travelling bridge crane, all with associated piping, fittings, electrical and controls, and other appurtenances, including, but not limited to over-excavation and replacement of unsuitable soils under proposed structure, site grading, erosion control, asphalt paving, site fencing, grassing and landscaping, testing, flushing, disinfection, start-up, and all related work for a complete and operational facility. All Work must conform to the requirements of the Georgia EPD General Permit GAR 100002.