A. Mowing 1. Contact: Water Division contact person will be provided upon contract execution with awarded bidder. 2. Time: Mowing and trimming will be expected to take place during Water Division operating hours, 7am CST to 5pm CST, Monday through Friday. Mowing or trimming may be conducted on evenings, weekends, or holidays if the Water Division contact person provides prior approval. 3. Frequency: Each property shall be mowed and trimmed every week during the mowing season, which is between April and October. The Water Division will issue a Notice to Proceed at the beginning of the growth season. The properties shall be mowed on the same day of the week, each week, (weather dependent) to stay uniform. This schedule equates to approximately 28 mowing as reflected on the Pricing Form. The City reserves the right to require more or less mowings and to pay for only those completed mowings at the unit price under the Contract. 4. Grass Height: The grass will be mowed to a height of approximately 2-1/2 inches and no less. 5. Clippings: When mowed on a regular basis, all grass clippings can go back on the ground. Only if the site has grown tall shall bagging of clippings be required. The Water Division contact person will make this determination prior to the day of mowing and provide verbal direction to the Contractor regarding the collection of clippings. When clippings are collected, it is the Contractor's responsibility to properly dispose of the clippings. Clippings must NOT BE ALLOWED to go into the water basins. The Contractor will be required to clean any grass clippings out of the basins. Grass clippings clog up the Water Filtration system. B. Trimming/Edging The Contractor is required, with each mowing, to trim, edge, or use a weed eater along or around fencing, sidewalks, steps, ramps, roadways, curbing, antenna guide wires, water basins, small ground structures, shrubs, small trees, etc. Contractor will be required to trim grass growing from cracks in roadways and sidewalks, and growing over curbs. Excess trimmed grass will need to be removed from roadways or sidewalks by air blower or other means. The use of a power edger may be required along all sidewalks if weed eaters will not trim the grass. Each site will vary with the types of objects that require trimming. Refer to the Property Table for all specifics and requirements for each property location. The Contractor is not be required to trim shrubbery. Trimming shall be defined as using a trim mower, such as a weed eater, in order to make horizontal cuts to eliminate vegetation in areas that a larger rotary mower cannot reach and wherein it would injure plants. Trimming around the water basins: Clippings must NOT BE ALLOWED to go into the water basins. Edging shall be defined as use of an edging machine or weed eater to remove unwanted grass and weeds along and within sidewalks, curbs, gutters, streets, etc.