Shawnee County is soliciting bids for the 2025 purchase and delivery of 6,000 (24 - 250 gallon totes or two full truckloads) to 9,000 gallons (36 - 250 gallon totes or three full truckloads) of high durability, high-yield pavement marking paint, as per the following minimum specifications. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS This specification covers water-borne pavement marking paint suitable for use as retroreflective pavement markings (with the addition of glass beads) on portland cement concrete or hot-mix asphalt pavements. Paint shall meet Federal Specification TT-P-1952F Type III (increased durability). In addition, the paint shall conform to Section 2215 (replace by Special Provision 15-22004-R02) of the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction.