Item 1: Cost to mobilize and demobilize equipment, personnel, and materials necessary. Mobilization includes transportation of boring machinery, trenching equipment, and any required tools to and from the job site, set-up, and preparation for trenching. Mobilization costs apply for each separate request for service within the city, regardless of the size or duration of the specific installation. Item 2: Cost to install underground conduit by directional boring method per linear foot to include 1 - 1.5” SDR 11 HDPE innerduct and locate wire. Installation depth to be determined at completion of locates. Item 3: Cost to install underground conduit by open trenching method per linear foot to include 1 - 1.5” SDR 11 HDPE innerduct and locate wire. Installation depth to be determined at completion of locates. Item 4: Cost to install underground conduit by cable plowing method per linear foot to include 1 - 1.5” SDR 11 HDPE innerduct and locate wire. Installation depth to be determined at completion of locates. Item 5: Cost to install underground conduit that requires rock boring per linear foot to include 1 - 1.5” SDR 11 HDPE innerduct and locate wire. Installation depth to be determined at completion of locates. Item 6: Cost to install underground conduit that requires trenching through rock per linear foot to include 1 - 1.5” SDR 11 HDPE innerduct and locate wire. Installation depth to be determined at completion of locates. Item 7: Cost for general backhoe excavation that is typically associated with conduit or fiber vault installation per hour. Contractor is responsible for material handling and proper backfill and compaction. All excavation, backfill and compaction must meet the City of Topeka specifications for construction as set forth in Section 2 of the Standard Technical Specifications Document. Item 8: Cost to install 2” galvanized rigid conduit on and under bridge structures per linear foot. Estimate to include galvanized conduit, supports, expansion joints and grounding systems. Item 9: Cost to install 2” galvanized rigid conduit on building exteriors and other fixed structures per linear foot. Estimate to include galvanized conduit, junction boxes, expansion joints and grounding systems. Item 10: Cost to install indoor 2” conduit per linear foot to include components necessary to secure rigid and emt conduit inside structures to facilitate cable installation and cable protection per linear foot. Estimates shall include conduit and required supports.