The Town of Southington seeks proposals from qualified sports designers for conceptual design and order of magnitude cost for the new replacement tennis courts located at Southington High School. Services shall include the following but not limited to: • Project Design Phase I: o Feasibility Study to include an existing infrastructure assessment, program recommendations, and concept options (including estimated probable cost.) 50% and 100% Construction Documents. o Estimate probable cost of construction at Feasibility Study and 50% construction documents. The Project design shall be completed in such a manner to provide longevity with considerations for project budget and phasing of construction. Based on this, a feasibility / concept design report shall be completed with reviews of the 3 most viable options for replacing the existing courts, construction logistics and estimated construction cost of each concept. Based on the outcome of this study, the report shall rank the 3 rehabilitation options recommended by longevity, cost, and suitability to conform to the conditions of the existing court and ability to withstand freeze and thaw cycles typical to weather conditions in the northeast. Additionally, options should be evaluated to minimize changes to existing grade, fence pole supports, and below grade utilities. Design scope to include an assessment of the infrastructure along with the perimeter pedestrian access way, spectator seating and provide recommendations ranging from reuse to replacement. For durability and longevity, the Town is considering post tension concrete court construction but seeks the advisement of the sports design professional to propose other comparable alternatives with a keen consideration of the schedule, budget and site constraints.Currently, there are seven tennis courts at the high school. The south bank of four courts are undersized according to the USTA guidelines. Behind the south bank of courts is an arborvitae hedge under which runs a high-pressure gas line from Pleasant St. to the Agricultural Science building. The purpose of this RFP is to obtain an order of magnitude cost for each concept presented. The order of magnitude cost from the chosen concept will be used to seek funding for both construction administrative services and construction costs. Such concepts being sought include, but are not limited to: 1. Bringing the seven courts in their current footprint to USTA guidelines or recommend proper number of courts in the current footprint using USTA standards. 2. Bringing courts up to UTSA guidelines in their current footprint and designing a parking lot to maximize the available parking spaces, including handicap accessible spaces. 3. Relocating tennis courts to an adjacent field south of current court location, recommend proper number of courts in new location using USTA guidelines, and design a parking lot in the old tennis cou