SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: The City requires the Consultant to provide the following services: 1. Provide the Consultant’s evaluation with optional alignments of the proposed 24- Inch Ductile Iron Transmission Main on NE Stephens Street between NE Newton Creek Road and NE Garden Valley Boulevard. In addition to the preliminary alignment provided by the City. The preliminary alignment generally runs parallel to the existing 20-inch transmission main from NE Newton Creek Road to NE Emerald Drive. The Consultant shall evaluate each of the optional alignments, identify advantages and disadvantages, and make a recommendation regarding which alignment best meets the needs of the City. The City will use this evaluation to determine the preferred alignment for Phase 4. 2. Provide a survey base map identifying right-of-way, identify any encroachments such as curb, gutter, sidewalk, center median, landscaping, existing utilities, and any other physical features that may block or obstruct the route of the proposed water main. 3. Pipe materials and cathodic protection: To date all sections of 20-inch main replaced between the Water Treatment Plant and Isabell Avenue, including the section currently under construction between Isabell Avenue and NE Newton Creek Road have been constructed using ductile iron pipe with a polyethylene encasement for a corrosion monitoring system. All new phases of pipe shall also be ductile iron pipe with a polyethylene encasement and components for a complete corrosion monitoring system that includes the appropriate isolation joints, pipe bonding, valve and fitting bonding, test stations, backfill materials, cables, fittings, and all necessary items of equipment for the complete system. Phase 3 construction ending at NE Newton Creek Road will be connected to the ICCPS system installed in 2016. Once the entire length of 20-inch pipe has been replaced, the intent is for the City to have continuous cathodic protection from the Water Treatment Plant to NE Garden Valley Boulevard. The City anticipates installation of a small ICCPS system on Reservoir Hill in order to protect future Phase 6 and all recent Reservoir Hill yard piping improvements, including the recently completed extension of 24-inch Ductile Iron pipe between NE West Avenue to Reservoir Hill. 4. Preliminary Design and Final Design: After finalizing the alignment complete the preliminary design phase. It is the City’s intent to contract with a Consultant to complete the design and bid documents. The Engineer shall submit for review preliminary drawings at 30%, 60%, and 90% design phases. 5. Phase 4 design includes two creek crossings. The first creek crossing is a single barrel 8’x4’ (1EA) reinforced concrete box culvert on NE Stephens Street at NE Sterling Drive. The second creek crossing is a double barrel 8’x7’ (2EA) reinforced concrete box culvert located on NE Stephens Street at NE Hewitt Avenue. 6. Future Phase 6 design, not included in this contract, will extend 24-inch Ductile Iron Transmission Main from NE Garden Valley Boulevard to Reservoir Hill. Phase 6 will replace existing 24-inch O.D. Steel main located between NE West Avenue and Reservoir Hill installed Circa 1955.