4.1 KENNEL FACILITY REQUIREMENTS: The kennel must conform to all Federal, State and Local requirements as well as any applicable zoning laws. The owner must own the training land and facilities or have a long-term lease or an option on said land and facilities for at least two (2) years. The facility must have an area that allows for the training or testing of prospective dogs. The facility must include adequate course and search areas that are large enough to test speed, agility, and olfactory prowess. 4.2 POLICE DOG MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: The KCSO Trainer will be solely responsible for making the final determination of which dog(s) are to be purchased based upon the physical condition, characteristics, and traits of each dog. The successful proposer must furnish the Knox County Sheriff’s Office an original veterinary health certificate from the country of origin, detailing the dog’s name or tattoo, age, and health history, which must include all record of all veterinarian visits. The following is an outline of minimum requirements: Acceptable Breeds: Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, German Shepard Import Green or Titled and Other Breeds Import Green or Titled (all “Other Breed” submittals must be pre-approved by the Knox County Sheriff’s Office). Canine Age: At the discretion of the KCSO K9 staff. Physical condition of dog as evidenced by: • Absence of hip dysplasia and front elbow/limb inferiority as determined and verified by radiographs taken by the proposer’s veterinarian and read by the County’s veterinarian. • Absence of heart worms as confirmed by negative test results, administered by the County’s veterinarian. • Successful completion of a routine physical examination by the County’s veterinarian. The examination is to include: blood work, parasite check, oral (dental-gums), eyes, ears, weight, and overall physical evaluation to establish that the animal is suited for and will endure the stress of training and street work. Knox County will bear this expense. Dog Evaluation: Proposer must agree to the testing of the prospective dog(s) by the Knox County Sheriff’s Office Canine Unit as part of the screening process for selection of qualified police work dogs. Proposer must have at least one (1) police service dog available for testing. Dogs must be available for testing within twenty-one (21) working days from date of notification. The dog must pass the evaluation test for temperament, courage, hardness, sharpness, and instinctive drive test administered by the canine unit training personnel, to the satisfaction of the canine unit sergeant or designated evaluator. Dogs will be evaluated for various characteristics including but not limited to, appearance, strength, initiative, intelligence, alertness, curiosity, agility, courage, drive, persistence, possessiveness, play and sociability. Dogs will be placed in various situations to display ability to various situations to react to noise/people and interaction with the handler. Proposer must be willing and able to replace an animal within twenty-one (21) business days that has been deemed unacceptable through testing with an equally acceptable dog, as determined by the Knox County Sheriff’s Office Canine Unit supervisor, at no additional cost. Should the dog fail training at any point within the first ninety (90) days or is not certified by the Knox County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Academy within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days. If the rejected animal cannot be replaced within twenty-one (21) business days, the successful proposer must refund all monies received from the County for the purchase of the dog and all expenses associated with transportation of said animal. Expenses for the animal’s care will be the responsibility of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office during the time the animal is in custody of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office Canine Unit. The Knox County Sheriff’s Office will guarantee appropriate veterinary care, feeding and handling of the dog while in the custody of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office. 4.3 TRAINER QUALIFICATIONS: At a minimum, trainers must also provide the following: (1.) Proof of a minimum of three (3) years training experience, (2.) Proof of Police Canine Training Certification, (3.) Proof of providing training for Police Canines for a minimum of three (3) law enforcement agencies.