Description of Work: 1. The Contractor will supply all materials and perform all construction necessary for masonry and concrete repairs along the exterior walls of the Willington Public Library at 7 Ruby Road in Willington. A location plan of the building areas requiring repairs is included herewith. 2. The work includes: (a) Area 1 - The repair or the removal and replacement of damaged masonry (CMU) blocks along the walls of Area 1 on the north side of the Library; the cleaning and refilling of joints between blocks and along the base of the walls adjacent to the sidewalk; and the cleaning and filling of vertical railing post holes along top of walls to mound above the top of wall to facilitate drainage. (b) Area 2 – The repair of any blocks, similar to that noted above; repair of broken or damaged concrete areas; the removal of any damaged or loose coating material; and the cleaning and / or routing of damaged crack or spall areas. Repairs will include the use of epoxy repair or patch compounds, joint fillers and cementitious coating materials, (c) Area 3 – Damaged areas in need of repairs in this area are similar to those previously noted, i.e., broken or damaged blocks, concrete cracks or spalls, and damaged or open joint areas. 3. Repair material for structurally deficient and spalled concrete areas shall be a high strength, permanent material, which will include a rapid development of strength. The repair material shall be Sikatop 122 as manufactured by Sika Corporation, or an approved equal. Surface coatings applied to the repaired and reconstructed surfaces shall be a Sikatop 144 Polymer-modified, Portland-cement coating for use on concrete surfaces (applied in 2 coats), as manufactured by Sika Corporation, or an approved equal. Material for sealing joints shall be Sika-flex-la, a polyurethane joint sealer, as manufactured by Sika Corporation, or an approved equal. For CMU block units, Contractor will submit, for the Owner’s approval, samples of units with similar stone like surface textures, smooth surfaces or scored features to the existing. All materials will be as noted, unless otherwise approved or directed Fill for railing posts shall be SikaGrout-428 FS, a non-shrink, non-metallic, cementitious grout, as manufactured by Sika Corporation, or an approved equal. 4. The Contractor will provide all necessary insurance certificates as noted in the attached section entitled “Insurance Requirements” for work on Town property. 5. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits for installation of the facilities. 6. The Contractor will be responsible for coordination with Library personnel for access, staging and storage areas, as well as providing any necessary safety barriers for the protection of the public during the duration of the work. 7. Materials purchased for permanent installation will be exempt from the Connecticut Sales and Use Tax under the Connecticut Education, Welfare and Public Health Tax Act. Each Bidder shall take this exemption into account in calculating their Bid for this project. 8. The time period for completion of this project is 30 days from the date of signing a contract, unless otherwise agreed between the Contractor and the Town. 9. The Contractor shall provide sedimentation and erosion controls, if determined necessary by the Engineer. 10. All areas disturbed or damaged during construction will be restored at the completion of the work to their pre-existing condition.