To purchase 10,000 packs of Ennis-Flint Preformed Thermoplastic Pavement Markings 125 mil / Red / 24” x 3’ / 15LF Per Pack or approved alternate. 121 The material shall adhere to the following requirements: _____ The material shall be a resilient preformed thermoplastic product containing a minimum 30% intermix of anti-skid elements and where the top surface contains anti-skid elements. These anti -skid elements must have a minimum hardness of 9 (Mohs scale). _____ The material shall be resistant to the detrimental effects of motor fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, etc. _____ The material must be capable of being affixed to bituminous and/or Portland cement concrete pavements by using the normal heat of a propane torch or heating method in accordance with the application specifications in Section 2.5 below. _____ The material must be capable of conforming to pavement contours, breaks, and faults through the action of traffic at normal pavement temperatures. The markings shall have resealing characteristics such that it is capable of fusing with itself and previously applied thermoplastic when heated with the propane torch or recommended heater. _____ The material shall be supplied in segments measuring 2 ft. x 3 ft. (0.61m x 0.91m). The material shall be capable of being applied in temperatures down to 45°F without any special storage, preheating, or treatment of the material before application. If the material is used as a background color for interconnected markings with symbols or legends, the marking must be factory assembled with a compatible material and interconnected so that it is not necessary to assemble the individual pieces within a material segment in the field.