Bids are requested for the repairs of 3 paved roads in Tattnall County damaged by the November 7 th Flood. Contractor will be given notice to proceed when bids are approved. Construction will consist of excavating any existing roadbeds, rebuilding the road beds, replacing base/paving and replacing drainage structures. Details are included with the bid sheet for each site. Grading will include roadbed, shoulders, and ditches. Contractor is to provide fill material for the project. Pave with 6” graded aggregate base and 2” 12.5mm “E” mix asphalt. Stripe with solid white lines on edge and solid or skip double yellow lines in the center. “High Build Paint” per GDOT specification “652 – Painting Traffic Stripe” is to be used. The contractor is responsible for placing advanced warning signs. Location of utilities is the responsibility of the contractor. The county will fund any needed utility relocations. Compaction testing is required for areas under pavement at each site. Cost for compaction testing to be included in the grading complete item. Compaction testing is to be done twice for each site, the first time when approximately half of the fill material is in place and the second time before paving. Test results are to be submitted to the County Engineer. Use GDOT standards for pipe placement and backfill, with 3’ spacing between pipes. The sites are to be repaired in the order of Evergreen Church Rd., Hillview Road, and Battle Creek Church Rd. See details on the attached bid sheets. All work is to be completed within 30 calendar days of notice to proceed, pending any delays due to weather conditions.