1. The Contractor shall provide aqueous and petroleum-based part washers as specified in Exhibit B Attachment 1, Vendor Cost Sheet, and all labor and materials necessary to service the part washers at the service intervals listed. 2. The Contractor shall deliver new or reconditioned washers to each location as specified in Exhibit B, Attachment 1, Vendor Cost Sheet, and set them up in the areas designated by each facility supervisor or the supervisor’s designee. 3. The Contractor shall inspect each washer for cleanliness and test for proper operation after set-up. 4. The Contractor shall perform the following minimum requirements at each twelve (12) week service interval for each aqueous part washer and at twenty-six (26) weeks for petroleum-based parts washers (if the local air quality district permits petroleum-based cleaners): o Exchange part washing solution for clean solution o Inspect part washer for proper operation o Dispose of waste solution in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations o Perform any preventative maintenance to the part washer as required by the part washer manufacturer 5. The Contractor shall provide “pump-out” service and exchange part washing solution for clean solution of BAR-owned part-washing cabinets as described in Exhibit B, Attachment 1, Vendor Cost Sheet. 6. In the event of a part washer malfunction, the Contractor shall repair or replace the malfunctioning part washer with a new or reconditioned part washer within one (1) business day of notification by a BAR facility. 7. The Contractor shall also provide hazardous waste removal services as specified in Exhibit B Attachment 1, Vendor Cost Sheet. 8. The Contractor shall provide receptacles as specified in Exhibit B, Attachment 1, Vendor Cost Sheet, for empty aerosol cans, used alkaline batteries, used lithium batteries, used brake fluid, brake lathe shavings, used coolant, used fuel filters, used oil filters, waste gasoline, waste oil, used lead tire weights, used transmission filters, used fluorescent bulbs, used absorbent mats, and used automotive electrical parts (universal e-waste) that meet or exceed all applicable local, state, and federal specifications. Absorbent mat receptacles shall include two (2) new rolls of mats measuring approximately 15”x150’ that are compatible with oils, coolants, solvents, and water. A 3’x3’x3’ box with a 3’x3’ wooden pallet shall also be included for used automotive electrical parts (universal ewaste). 9. The Contractor shall clearly label all receptacles so that the BAR employees can quickly and easily identify where to place the disposable materials covered in the Agreement. 10. The Contractor shall respond to requests to remove hazardous waste within two (2) business days of notification by a BAR facility. 11. The Contractor shall ensure that all part washers, product base(s) used for part washing, and hazardous waste receptacles comply with all local, state, and federal regulations and fire codes. Upon request, the Contractor shall submit written proof of compliance within three (3) business days. 12. The Contractor shall be responsible for permitting, transporting, handling, treating and/or disposing of all hazardous waste removed from the BAR facilities in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 13. The Contractor shall provide BAR with a manifest listing the items collected for disposal. The manifest shall be handed to a BAR representative at the time of collection or shall be emailed to the BAR project coordinator as identified in Exhibit A, Item III within one (1) week of collection. 14. Part washer services and hazardous waste removal services shall include all costs (i.e., travel, per diem, mileage, service call fees, labor, materials, non-consumable supplies, transportation, and equipment) associated with the services. No additional costs shall be paid for the services listed in Exhibit B, Attachment 1. 15. Upon contract execution, all hazardous waste that is beyond the six (6) month disposal period shall be picked up by the contractor and legally disposed of within ten (10) business days. Hazardous material is listed in Exhibit B, Attachment 1, Hazardous Material Removal Requirements.