Henry County will issue one contract to complete the work described herein. Work completed under contract will adhere to the methodology described in the Rules of Georgia Department of Community Affairs Chapter 110-12-1 and adhere to the work order described below in the section entitled General Organization of the Project. All elements of the Rules of Georgia Department of Community Affairs Chapter 110-12-1 must be covered in the requested 2045 Comprehensive Strategic Plan, along with other considered elements, such as a Sustainability Element. While DCA required elements are mentioned in this RFP, it is the responsibility of the winning firm to review all DCA rules for comprehensive planning and ensure that all requirements are met as the project is executed. The final product is expected to meet and exceed the minimum DCA requirements of nine (9) plan elements as described below: • Community Goals – The Community Goals identify the community’s direction for the future and are intended to generate local pride and enthusiasm about the future of the community. (Specifics at 110-12- 1-.03 (1)) • Needs and Opportunities – The list of locally agreed upon Needs and Opportunities the community intends to address. (Specifics at 110-12-1-.03 (2)) • Community Work Program – The specific activities the community intends to undertake over the five- year planning period to address prioritized needs and opportunities. (Specifics at 110-12-1-.03 (3)) • Broadband Services – This element is a requirement due to the Achieving Connectivity Everywhere (ACE) Act Senate Bill 402 passed in 2018. (Specifics at 110-12-1.03 (4)) • Capital Improvement Element – Detailed Capital Improvement Element developed to meet Development Impact Fee Compliance Requirements (DCA Rules 110-12-2). Note, Henry County does currently collect Development Impact Fees; therefore, this element may be required. However, the consultant is expected to review the requirements for this element and recommend inclusion as needed based on best practice and to ensure the operational effectiveness of the Plan. (Specifics at 110-12-1-.03 (5)) • Economic Development Element – Identification and integration of economic development needs and opportunities into the Community Work Program. (Specifics at 110-12-1-.03 (6)) • Land Use Element – Character Areas Map and narrative that outline the future land use expectations of the County. A parcel based Future Development Map for unincorporated Henry County. (Specifics at 110- 12-1-.03 (7)) • Transportation Element – Evaluation of the local transportation system and identification of needs and opportunities to address. The Comprehensive Transportation Plan will be integrated into the Plan to cover this element. Therefore, the primary work on this element will consist of the incorporation of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan into the structure and format of the Unified Plan as described below. However, the consultant is expected to review the requirements of this element and suggest additional content as required or in support of the plan’s operational effectiveness. (Specifics at 110-12-1-.03 (8)) • Housing Element – Implement the suitability of data and trends acquired from the recently completed housing and residential zoning district studies to address existing and future community needs. The Consolidated Plan will also be integrated into the Plan to cover this element. However, the consultant is expected to review the requirements of this element and suggest additional content as required or in support of the plan’s operational effectiveness. (Specifics at 110-12-1-.03 (9))