Task 1 – Research and Analysis: This should include, but is not limited to, the following: A. Work closely with the City’s Authorized Representative to conduct research and analysis to prepare the Con Plan. Data sources should include the 2010 Census, American Communities Survey, and other sources as necessary. B. Prepare analysis in consultation with social services, County, and metropolitan planning agencies and any other relevant groups. C. Utilize the City’s Housing Element as a resource for the Con Plan. D. Prepare a thorough analysis of affordable housing, homeless, and non-housing community development needs. E. Assess the existing community needs to assist City staff in developing new strategies, goals, and priorities for the five-year period. Task 2 – Community Engagement: This should include, but is not limited to, the following: A. Lead at least two (2) community meetings to present information and obtain community input regarding community development needs. Consultant shall prepare meeting agenda, handouts and materials and shall coordinate and present materials. Consultant shall provide documentation of the results of the meeting, including a meeting summary. Of the two meetings, it is expected that one (1) meeting be presented in English, and one (1) meeting be presented in Spanish. Consultant should specify whether they will provide Spanish-speaking staff at community meetings, or if the City should plan to have bilingual staff present at the meetings to provide interpretation services as necessary. B. At the option of the City, additional community meetings may be requested to continue productive citizen feedback. C. Develop and circulate at least one (1) community survey. Task 3 – Prepare Administrative Draft Con Plan: Consultant shall prepare an administrative draft Con Plan for the City. The draft will include all relevant components required under 24 CFR Part 91.