The Scope of Work shall include a range of planning, environmental, and development support activities to be provided on an individual work order basis. A single work order or a group of work orders may be associated to a single project with its own unique project number. Specific project types/tasks may include, but are not limited to: 1. Planning Services: Preparing system, strategic, master and development plans; grants support; feasibility studies; specialized studies such as marine and terrestrial biological assessments, structural condition assessments, and economic analyses; conducting predesign work; providing support for HDOT’s Geographical Information System (e.g., data collection and manipulation, software/hardware assistance); and other miscellaneous planning studies. 2. Environmental Services: Preparing and processing of environmental review documents, in accordance with Chapter 343, HRS, (a.k.a, the Hawaii Environmental Policy Act) and Chapter 11-200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) and/or the National Environmental Policy Act and its implementing regulations; preparing and processing of historic/cultural preservation review documents in accordance with Chapter 6E, HRS and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, including consultation with stakeholders; preparing environmental permit applications; coordinating/consulting with states and federal resource agencies; and coordinating project review by approving agencies. Services also include related special studies, reports, and plans to support coordination efforts and preparation of said environmental documents and permit applications.