A. Drink/Sundries Service: Services may include the sale of non-alcoholic beverages, sundries, snacks, ice cream, lemonade, shaved ice, etc. 1. Note: If you are interested in obtaining a permit to sell alcoholic beverages, please contact DFA Alcoholic Beverage Control Division at (501) 682-1105 or email at abcadmin@dfa.arkansas.gov. This office will help you determine the most appropriate permit for your business based on your physical business location; and walk you through all the requirements to obtain a permit. Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division. B. Full Service: Services may include, but are not limited to, all the above with the addition of items such as sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. C. Proposers should identify how they intend to offer their services and commodities for sale to the public (cart, trailer, food truck, etc.). Space requirements need to be identified.