A. Background Review and Environmental Scan The selected firm will identify internal and external factors to be considered during the development of this strategic plan. These factors can then provide a realistic context for the strategic plan and ultimately provide an increased opportunity for making positive changes in the organization and the community. This task includes a background review of relevant District employee and community surveys, previous priority setting documents and initiatives, and other key strategic planning documents. B. Development of Strategic Plan The selected firm will develop the strategic plan, which will include timetables for achievements and include measurable goals. Based on feedback from the Executive Team and Commission AdHoc Committee, the draft Strategic Plan shall be grounded in a realistic assessment of staff and funding capacities and/or make resource adjustment recommendations for successful implementation. C. Draft Priority Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Division Action Plans Based on the priority setting preparation and workshop, the selected firm will finalize drafts of the District’s Strategic Priorities and work with each Department to prepare a list of Priority Projects organized by each Strategic Priority with a deliverable of March 2025. D. Employee and Stakeholder Engagement The plan is to include engagement to ensure employees throughout the organization participate in reviewing and providing feedback on the District’s top priorities, strategies and projects. As an optional work task, please also include suggested alternatives for a community engagement strategy and framework that could be included in the development of the plan. E. Board of Commissioners and Executive Team Work Sessions and Approval Based on the tasks above, the selected firm will prepare presentation materials and participate in an AdHoc Commission and Executive Team Work Sessions to facilitate, present and receive feedback on the draft Strategic Plan, as well as attend a Board meeting scheduled for the final adoption of the Strategic Plan.