The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide reporting presence/absence and mapping nesting territories of the Golden-cheeked Warbler (GCWA) on certain areas of the Water Quality Protection Lands (WQPL). Surveying and inventorying for the presence/absence of these endangered species and delineation of nesting territories will be done on approximately 430 acres. The contract will be used by the Austin Water (AW). The City reserves the right to add or remove locations, services, or adjust frequency as deemed necessary throughout the contract term. Other City departments and locations may be added as necessary. Any items or services that have been omitted from this scope of work that are clearly necessary or in conformance of services/goods shall be considered a requirement although not directly specified or called for in the scope of work. Additional properties may be added before the end of the project, in which case the Contractor will be asked to add these properties into their scope of services for an additional, negotiated fee that is comparable to that required to complete the surveys detailed in this solicitation.