Analytical Balance MX205DU ID# 30665094 Analytical Balance MX205DU Product ID# 30665094Addressing your needs for accuracy, compliance, and user-friendliness. 82/220 g capacity; 0.01/0.1 mg readability; SmartPan; user management; advanced reporting; network integration; ErgoDoors; backlit draft shield; power-saving modeStarterPac Installation Products being serviced Analytical Balance MX205DU Included Services Install Equipment EA StarterPac Confirmation Delivery EA Calibrate ISO17025 Calibrate Manufacturer Annex Service Plan - 2 Visit(s) A Extended Care Products being serviced Analytical Balance (MX205DU) Included Services Full Preventive Maintenance OnSite EA Repair Coverage Full Two (2) rounds of annual preventative maintenance for each component of the balances to include labor, consumables and travel expenses must be included in the overall bid price.; Balance XSR105DU Product ID# 30355435 Balance XSR105DU Product ID# 30355435 Accurate, reliable results and smart design features. 41/120 g capacity, 0.01/0.1 mg readability; integrated methods; results notepad; hanging weighing pan; easy cleaning; ErgoClip one-step dosing; LabX compatible IPac Standard Qualification Products being serviced Balance XSR105DU Included Services Install Equipment EA IPac Qualification Delivery EA Calibrate ISO17025 Calibrate GWP Annex Service Plan - 2 Visit(s) Extended Care Products being serviced Balance (XSR105DU) Included Services Full Preventive Maintenance OnSite EA Repair Coverage Full Two (2) rounds of annual preventative maintenance for each component of the balances to include labor, consumables and travel expenses must be included in the overall bid price.; Balance XPR2002S Product ID# 30316996 Balance XPR2002S Product ID# 30316996 Exceptional results and smart quality assurance. 2.1 kg capacity; 10 mg readability; integrated methods; results notepad; SmartPan ProTM; user passwords; 4 x USB; 1 x LAN; error-free data transfer; label editing; easy cleaning; LabX compatible IPac Standard QualificationProducts being servicedBalance XPR2002SIncluded ServicesInstall Equipment EAIPac Qualification Delivery EACalibrate ISO17025Calibrate GWP AnnexService Plan - 2 Visit(s) (XPR2002S) Extended Care Products being serviced Balance XPR2002S Included Services Full Preventive Maintenance OnSite EA Repair Coverage Full Two (2) rounds of annual preventative maintenance for each component of the balances to include labor, consumables and travel expenses must be included in the overall bid price.; Balance MX12001L Product ID# 30665188 Mettler-Toledo MX12001L Analytical Balancea. Maximum Capacity: 12.2 kgb. Readability: 0.1 gc. Repeatability, typical: 40 mgd. Minimum Weight (USP, 0.1%, typical): 8.2 ge. Setting Time: 1.5 sf. Adjustment: Internal (automatic/FACT)g. Touchscreen operationProducts being servicedBalance MX12001LIncluded ServicesInstall Equipment EAIPac Qualification Delivery EACalibrate ISO17025Calibrate GWP AnnexService Plan - 2 Visit(s) Extended CareProducts being serviceBalance MX12001LIncluded ServicesFull Preventive Maintenance OnSite EARepair Coverage FullTwo (2) rounds of annual preventative maintenance for each component of the balances to include labor, consumables and travel expenses must be included in the overall bid price.; Marble slab for use with the MX205DU A Marble slab for use with the MX205DU A; Marble slab for use with the XSR105DU Marble slab for use with the XSR105DU Analytical balance; Onsite Installation and Calibration Onsite installation and calibration (IPac Standard Qualification with traceable documentation) of instrument provided by the Supplier.; Minimum two (2) Year Warranty Minimum two (2) year warranty on each balance to include all labor, parts, and travel expenses must be included in the overall bid price.; Two (2) Rounds of Annual PM Two (2) rounds of annual preventative maintenance for each component of the balances to include labor, consumables and travel expenses must be included in the overall bid price.