The contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, and any other items or activities related to providing the following services: 1. A Phase 2 ESA that follows the Alabama Environmental Investigation Guidance along with the Brownfield Redevelopment Division 15 Regulations and ASTM Standards. The Phase 2 must address all Recognized Environmental Concerns (RECs) identified in the Phase 1 ESA. • A Phase 2 consists of on-site drilling and sampling of the soil and groundwater. • All samples collected should be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals • Surficial sampling of the soil. o At least 50 incremental samples • If groundwater is detected, groundwater samples should be taken. o A minimum of 5 groundwater wells o All samples should be sent a laboratory to be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals. 2. The contractor will submit a report following the guidelines of the Brownfield Redevelopment and Voluntary Cleanup Program, ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-15 and the Alabama Environmental Investigation and Remediation Guidance. This report will include details of soil samples taken, groundwater well installation and subsurface soil results. Details should include management of investigative derived waste, QA/QC procedures, monitoring well abandonment procedures and raw lab data.