It is the goal of the Alameda County Public Works Agency to enlist a qualified vendor to supply, transport and spread liquid asphalt (PMRE AND/OR CRS2H or equivalent) for the Alameda County (County) Public Works Agency (PWA) Chipseal Program. 1. Material a. Contractor must be required to supply PWA with materials to support Road Department maintenance programs. b. Contractor must supply the type and quantity of materials specified on a scheduled and urgent basis as requested by the County. c. Contractor must be responsible for providing a polymer modified asphalt sealant material as per Caltrans specifications for the material. d. The polymer must be added to either the asphalt or the emulsion at the location of the manufacturer. The binder must conform to the aggregate with ten percent (10%) maximum film stripping as tested by Caltrans Specifications, Section 302. e. The polymer must be either neoprene or a blend of butadiene and styrene. f. The temperature of the polymer modified asphalt emulsion at the time of application must be between one hundred thirty (130) degrees and one hundred eighty (180) degrees Fahrenheit. g. PMRE and/or CRS2H or equivalent must comply with all regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). PWA performs chip seal application to various County roadways as preventative maintenance. Oil and its application are an integral part of the chip seal application. PWA requires a Contractor to furnish, transport and apply oil in a coordinated effort with County staff and/or other Contractor(s). Services are required for approximately one (1) week or two (2) consecutive weeks a year. The materials described in this contract are critical to the maintenance and refurbishing of County maintained roadways. The type of materials, equipment and services required by this RFQ are very specialized and the needed materials that involve an asphalt sealant and rejuvenation product are produced in an oil refining facility. This polymer modified liquid emulsification is transferred directly at the manufacturing plant into specialty trucks for delivery. These trucks are outfitted with computerized spray bars and are dedicated for the purpose of transporting and spreading the specialized emulsification. These trucks are not utilized in any other businesses. Therefore, these trucks are not readily available for rental and are owned and operated solely by those vendors who manufacture and distribute this type of emulsification specialty product