1. Contain a minimum of 2 grams of trimedlure*. 2. Be free of liquid trimedlure on the unit surface. 3. Be nonfriable and resistant to damage during normal field operations. 4. Be resistant to moisture. 5. Be easily and quickly installed, with minimum contamination of the dispenser from the trap adhesive, when used in a Jackson plastic bait basket and/or Champ trap. Samples of the plastic bait basket and Champ trap are available upon request. 6. Under normal handling, shipping and deployment the dispenser shall maintain its shape and not crumble, break or shatter. 7. Once installed, dispenser must not be easily dislodged from the trap. 8. Be prepared from common, nontoxic commercial material. 9. Be capable of being stored at 20°C for one year with no reduction in efficacy.