The scope of the contract will cover energy cost savings at the South Bend Fire Department and MLK Dream Center through a combination of measures. The ESCO will develop a plan to generate solar photovoltaic energy and, if feasible, will consider distributed generation, load shifting/peak shaving, energy storage, or fuel switching. Ancillary improvements to energy generation such as electrical service upgrades may be included in the scope of the project. This project’s primary focus is the Central Fire Station at 1222 S. Michigan St and MLK Dream Center at 1522 Linden Ave. A “desk study” by a local solar company indicated feasibility of a sizeable rooftop installation at these facilities with the available funding. Project is to primarily consider solar photovoltaic systems for generation of electricity. However, recommendations could also include related renewable energy, distributed generation, load shifting/peak shaving, energy storage, or associated non-energy measures such as electrical system repairs or software/hardware for monitoring and displaying renewable energy production, within the guidelines of the GESC statute. The Central Fire Station’s roof replacement is expected to be completed by mid-2025. MLK Dream Center construction is also expected to be completed by early/mid-2025. The Owner may award a project for only one of the facilities or both. However, the Owner requires that bidders submit proposals for both facilities. The ESCO may consider indoor and outdoor facility components and applications, including • indoor, outdoor, and specialty lighting; • dehumidification and air distribution systems; • space heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning; • heat recovery; • energy and environmental management systems and controls; • pumps, motors, drives, and air compressors.