Provide the following types of car and booster seats to counties across the State of Georgia: 1. Rear-Facing convertible car seats with harness readily accommodating a weight range of five (5) to forty (40) lbs. with a maximum internal harness specification accommodating weights above fifty (50) lbs. 2. Forward-facing convertible car seats with harness readily accommodating a weight of at least fifty (50) lbs., with a maximum internal harness specification accommodating weights above fifty (50) lbs. 3. Combination car seats with harnesses accommodating up to fifty (50) lbs. 4. No back boosters and high-back booster seats, each with fifty-seven (57)-inch height limits and at least one hundred (100) lbs. weight limit. 5. All safety seats shall be of gender-neutral color and fabric and must be interchangeable for a boy or girl. Contractor will consult the Department for guidance if there is question as to gender neutrality concerning seat selection. a. The following characteristics are some examples of car and booster seats that are NOT gender neutral: i. Car and booster seat options that are the following colors: solid red, solid purple, solid pink, or solid blue. ii. Car and booster seats are gender themed (i.e. princess or race car).