4.2.1 Tools Bidder shall provide a resident satisfaction survey tool capable of gathering the residents own feedback on a range of issues that identify quality of life for residents of skilled nursing homes. Revisions from year to year to the tool, reports, training, etc., based on KDADS recommendations, are included as part of the scope of this project. 1. The tool, process, and timeline for implementation must be prior approved by KDADS. 2. The tool should cover topics such as the following: Food, Sleep and Bedroom, Bathing, Daily Routines and Preferred Activities, Relationships, Decision Making, Resident Use Space/Privacy, Supporting the Human Spirit, and Community Involvement. 3. The tool must provide for the inclusion of interviewing residents who are cognitively impaired. 4. The tool must provide for the inclusion of interviewing a resident family member or designated representative. 5. The tool must be appropriate for interviewers to collect the necessary information in an efficient manner. 6. The Contractor must provide the required criteria for determining a resident’s ability or willingness to participate in the interview process required for completion of the tool. 4.2.2 Sampling 1. Bidder shall propose sampling methodologies that ensures survey results are reliable for dimension and facility total score. As an option to KDADS, bidder shall propose a sampling methodology that would ensure statistically significant results for all Medicaid residents across the state. 2. Bidder shall include in methodology a. how residents will be selected b. plan for ensuring all participant responses is kept confidential to encourage honest feedback c. the facility’s responsibilities before, during and after the completion of surveys d. plan for timing of the surveys so as to minimally impede on the facility operations and resident’s care 4.2.3 Training 1. Bidder shall propose a training plan that describes a timeline and how the bidder will provide training and training material to the selected interviewers for administering the resident quality of life survey including to residents who have cognitive impairments. a. Training must cover Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 1996 (HIPAA) and ensure (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic Clinical Health Act (HITECH ACT) compliance for all gathered data. b. Training should be conducted annually prior to conducting each survey process. c. Training must include detailed instruction and procedures for the interviewers in use of the tool and in constructing a proper sample of residents, including those with a cognitive impairment. d. Training materials must prepare the interviewers to conduct the resident satisfactions surveys according to professional standards, cultural sensitivity, and with a high level of interviewer to interviewee reliability. 2. Bidder shall propose a plan to: a. Inform facilities of the purpose and benefits of the survey b. Encourage facility participation in the survey c. Provide information to facilities on the survey process