SW 1 MINIMUM SERVICE LEVELS The Contractor will provide bi-weekly and will call on-site confidential shredding service at regularly scheduled intervals as well as and on-call on-site confidential shredding service at the service locations as listed on Attachment A-Service Locations. The Contractor shall provide services to other MARTA Facilities as needed at the cost as listed on the Form 3 attached to the Contract. SW 2 NON-PAPER SHREDDING SERVICES The Contractor shall provide services for non-paper materials such as, but not limited to, Mylar, microfilm, video cassettes, fabric and CDs/DVDs. SW 3 CONVERSION - TRANSFER OF MATERIALS TO VENDOR PROVIDED CONTAINERS The Contractor shall transfer materials from other containers (i.e., pallets, boxes, etc.) to 95-gallon containers for shredding. SW 4 CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CONTAINERS The Contractor shall furnish lockable containers labeled with (a) Contractor logo, (b) serial/tracking number, and (c) Confidential Paper Only. Additionally, the Contractor shall provide the following and locate the same at places approved by MARTA: - Eighty-five (85) wheeled 95-gallon containers - Seven (7) 35-gallon media container SW 5 CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION The Contractor shall issue a certificate of destruction on completion of confidential shredding services that includes the following: • Name and address of the shredding company • Date and time of information destruction • Method used for destruction • List of items destroyed • Official confirmation of information destruction • Signatures as proof of complete and legal destruction