Pursuant to the State Purchasing Act (Official Code of Georgia Annotated §§50-5-50 et seq.), this electronic Request for Quotes (eRFQ) is being issued to establish an open agency contract with one or more qualified suppliers who will provide Boat maintenance and repairs (non-engine) to the Department of Natural Resources (hereinafter, the State Entity) as further described in this eRFQ. The awarded Supplier(s) must be able to provide maintenance and/or repairs to several boats in a timely manner that meet or exceed the specifications listed on Attachment D-Mandatory Requirement Questions. The form can be located in the general comment/attachment section of the bid. Prospective bidders must be registered in TEAM GEORGIA MARKETPLACE to view the complete RFQ and attachments, and submit a bid. All bids must be submitted electronically through TEAM GEORGIA MARKETPLACE. Award shall be made to the Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder meeting specifications. Please read the eRFQ Instructions for help in navigating through the system, preparing your bid, and downloading and uploading attachments. You must select the VIEW/ADD COMMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS link to view the attachments. To open attachments, hold down the control key and click on the icon beside the attachment. Continue to hold down the control key until a new window opens with a prompt to open the attachment. Click on open. Questions regarding the registration process or navigating through the system can be directed to the Help Desk at procurementhelp@doas.ga.gov or by calling 404-657-6000. It is the bidder's responsibility to review this RFQ on a regular basis during the solicitation period for answers to related questions submitted and for any addenda that may be posted. From the issue date of the Event document and until a Vendor is selected and the selection is made public, vendors are not allowed to communicate for any reason with any State staff except through the Issuing Officer named in