Great Falls College is seeking custodial services for the following buildings: 1. Main GFC Building: 118,250 square feet 2. Dental Clinic: 20,003 square feet 3. Trades Building: 12,665 square feet 4. Childcare Center: 6,200 square feet Custodial work has been separated into daily, bi-weekly, weekly, and as-needed tasks for various types of areas. These areas are defined as: A. RESTROOMS Locker rooms, equipment supply rooms, and custodial closets are in this grouping along with the restrooms. B. CIRCULATION AREAS These are areas such as entry walks and stairs, entryways, lobbies, hallways, stairways, and public waiƟng rooms. C. CLASSROOMS In addiƟon to general purpose classrooms and their service rooms: lecture rooms, conference rooms, shops and shop service rooms, and assembly areas are included in this category. D. XL (Extra Large) FLOORS These are oŌen open floors that are very large in area. Examples include the atrium, large common spaces across campus, dental clinic waiƟng room and the library. E. CLASS LABORATORIES This is a broad category which includes science laboratories, data processing and compuƟng areas, welding & fabricaƟon classroom shops, and other specialized use rooms or faciliƟes which are used for teaching purposes. Also included are all service rooms associated with each lab or area. F. DENTAL CLINIC All areas of the dental clinic and dental laboratory and their service rooms are included in this category. G. OFFICES An office is typically a single cell with one entry/exit. Lounges and lounge service rooms, meeƟng rooms and their service rooms, storage rooms, study rooms, office service rooms and break rooms are included H. OFFICE SUITES An office suite is defined as a shared space typically parƟƟoned to delineate uses and circulaƟon. I. BOOKSTORE Merchandising faciliƟes and their service rooms. J. CHILDCARE CENTER Separate address and located structure. Providing childcare services to GFCMSU employees and public. Building is a mix of carpeted and solid surface flooring with 6 classrooms, storage rooms, workroom, one office space, and a kitchen with pantry. Building has 2 public restrooms, and a water closet in each classroom. K. BUILDING APPROACHES These are defined as the area of sidewalk extending to twenty feet beyond the outside door when stairs are absent and extending from the outside door to five feet beyond the boƩom stair when stairs are present as part of the approach. L. AREAS NOT SERVICED. These are areas such as mechanical rooms, storage rooms A. RESTROOMS DAILY: Trash containers are empƟed. Sinks, Urinals and Toilets are cleaned with a germicidal cleaner. All soap film, hard water stains, grease and other deposits are removed from the porcelain and metal surfaces. ParƟcular aƩenƟon is given to underneath the rims and around the drains on the porcelain fixtures. Toilets and urinals need special daily aƩenƟon near the bowl water line and water entry to the bowl. The juncƟon between the porcelain and the lid is cleaned thoroughly, as well as any pipe connecƟons with the porcelain. Mirrors are cleaned and shined. Counter tops are wiped off with a germicidal cleaner so that they are enƟrely free of accumulaƟons of dirt and grime. Floors are damp mopped with a germicidal cleaner. Doors are cleaned around handles and other places people put their hands. Walls and dividers are cleaned in any spot where people regularly put their hands, such as near soap and towel dispensers, light switches and door latches. Soap dispensers and hand dryers are cleaned, the metalwork shined, and the orifice opened. Soap dispensers, toilet paper holders, roll towel, soap and sanitary napkin dispensers are restocked. Drinking fountains outside restrooms are cleaned and polished, all hard water accumulaƟons removed, drains cleared of debris. B. CIRCULATION AREAS Daily: o Spot clean as necessary Weekly: o Sweep hard surfaces o Mop hard surfaces o Vacuum carpet C. CLASSROOMS Daily: o Trash o Spot clean table tops and chairs as necessary Weekly: o Vacuum o Wipe down all whiteboard surfaces with water o Desktops wiped off with a germicidal cleaner so that they are enƟrely free of accumulaƟons of dirt and grime.