Item No. 1: Retiree Reference Guides – Black Ink • Print approximately 56,500 copies • 8 ½ x 11 or 8 1/8 x 10 3/8 • Total of 68 pages (double-sided) • The first 10 pages and the last 10 pages shall be on 60# White Offset, printed in black ink. Paper stock may be substituted with comparable paper. Bidder shall note the paper stock substitution and pricing in the attached Fee Proposal form and submit a physical sample(s) with their bid to the EUTF Office, 201 Merchant Street, Suite 1700 on or before the bid due date stated in Significant Dates. The EUTF office is open Monday through Friday, 7:45am to 4:30pm, except State holidays. • There shall be 48 pages of text on 28# newsprint (or comparable recycled paper) printed in black. • The following pages will be located at the end of the guide and shall be perforated for recipients to tear out: 1) EC-2; 2) EC-2H; 3) ACH Deduction Authorization Agreement; 4) Automatic ERS Pension Deduction Agreement Form • Books shall be saddle-stitched • File will be furnished in INDD or PDF format. Vendor shall fix file as necessary for print (i.e., margins, page numbers, state seal, etc.) • Vendor shall provide two (2) sets of proofs prior to final printing: One (1) set of hard copy proofs, and one (1) in PDF format • Print Spoilage - Vendor must account for amount of spoilage which can naturally occur during production caused by flaws in the manufacturing hardware or the consumables used and build it into the total price Item No. 1a. • Cost to add on to print additional Reference Guides in increments of 100 (more than 56,500). The total cost will be adjusted as per the prices quoted on this item. Item No. 1b. • Reduced cost to print less Reference Guides in increments of 100 (less than 56,500). The total cost will be adjusted as per the prices quoted on this item. Item No. 1c. Reduced cost in four (4)-page increments if pages are subtracted (less than 64 pages). The total cost will be adjusted as per the prices quoted on this item. Item No. 1d. • Additional cost in four (4)-page increments if pages are added (more than 64 pages). The total cost will be adjusted as per the prices quoted on this item. Item No. 1e • Cost to reprint Retiree Reference Guide in increments of 500 (reprint at a later date)