COPE OF WORK The objective of this project is to design Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and conduct tabletop exercises (TTX) that ensure seamless, coordinated communication during military-related incidents or mishaps. This initiative aims to standardize crisis communication protocols across military branches and commands, state and local emergency services, and key civilian authorities (including the Mayors’ and Governor's offices) to enhance operational unity, communication protocols, sequencing and message clarity. The selected vendor will: 1. Conduct a Crisis Communication Flow Assessment: Evaluate existing communication structures to identify gaps and inefficiencies, with particular attention to the sequence and protocol of information dissemination among agencies in the event of a military incident or mishap. 2. Develop SOPs for Crisis Communication Synchronization: Create detailed SOPs in the event of a military incident or mishap specifying who communicates with whom, in what order, and through which channels, to ensure clear, timely, and accurate information flow across: o All military branches (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard and National Guard as applicable). This may include installations commands, component commands, INDO-PACOM Command, and the Hawaiʻi National Guard. o Police and law enforcement agencies 4 o Fire department and emergency medical services o Hawaiʻi State Office of Homeland Security o Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency o Offices of the Mayors and Governor o Hawaiʻi State Legislators o Hawaiʻi Congressional Delegation o Other stakeholders as identified