The College seeks the purchase of a cloud-based packaged analytical application product developed specifically for higher education with pre-built integration to the Banner ERP application administration database. The College is looking for the solution to be as pre-built as possible by the vendor. The analytical application product should: 1. Include a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Calculator and Optimizer - A calculator tool that will automatically calculate all three SAP components (GPA, Pace, and Maximum Time Frame) at the program-level as specified by College policy. This calculator should also be able to compare the student’s current transcript against all active Bristol degrees and certificates to determine the best program for the student for SAP eligibility. 2. Include standard metrics and a pre-built library of reports based on Achieving the Dream needs. 3. Include pre-built reports with metrics from the Community College Research Center (CCRC), Aspen and Complete College America, VFA. 4. Allow end users to run a degree audit against all students for all programs, which would show students who might be just a specified number of courses away from completing a credential, even if it’s not one they are currently pursuing. 5. Include the ability to take snapshots, or point in time data. For example, the system should allow users to see the enrollment today compared to the same day in the previous term’s registration cycle.