The Alabama Public Charter School Commission (APCSC) is issuing a request for proposal for qualified individual(s) to assist the Alabama Public Charter School Commission (Commission) in seeking and writing grants for the development and implementation of high quality charter schools is Alabama. The APCSC Commission seeks to provide financial assistance for facilities, planning, program design, and implementation of high quality charter schools. Any rewards will strengthen charter schools in Alabama and ensure quality school options for students. The APCSC is interested in consultants or individuals with expertise and experience. Please include the number of years of experience in writing grants and the number of grants awarded. Knowledge of charter school landscape and personal connection to education and relationships in the Alabama charter sector and evidence of receiving grants in education will be considered a plus. The grant writing firm or individual(s) must provide evidence of perseverance seeking and receiving grants in a challenging, complex environment as well as an understanding of education challenges. Include any past experience working with 501(c)(3) organizations. The contract will be awarded to the prospective possible vendor who best meets the specifications herein, exhibits an established history of providing this type of technical experience in a satisfactory manner through specific references and proposes the services at a reasonable price. Evidence should include examples of the ability to plan, organize, execute, and evaluate projects where success is measured.