The City of Columbia has received an executed grant agreement from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to develop a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) compliant Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (“Action Plan”). As such, the City is seeking a highly experienced professional consultant to undertake the development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (“Action Plan”) which meets all Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant requirements. The Action Plan will build upon the foundation of prior City planning efforts, especially the Walk Bike Columbia Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (2015), Walkable 29203 Pedestrian Master Plan (2017), and Columbia Compass: Envision 2036 (2020). The Action Plan will also build upon the foundation of the high-risk and high priorities identified in SCDOT’s South Carolina Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Plan (2022). The Action Plan will place an emphasis on areas with no recently completed or funded projects, and work collaboratively with SCDOT for resolution. The Action Plan should also work to identify and address all other high injury/high-risk networks in the City.