WORK consists of various quantities of mobilization, supply of labor, tools, and equipment necessary to perform the repairs to the damaged submerged 12” HDPE sewer outfall discharge pipeline. The work may include but is not limited to the following: 1. Cutting and salvaging the damaged section of 12” HDPE pipe and associated concrete anchors. 2. Realignment of the disturbed section of existing 12” HDPE pipe to meet pipe deflection requirements. 3. Repair the sewer line by using Owner provided 12” diameter, welded HDPE pipe and two new Alpha couplings to connect to the two cut ends of the existing sewer pipe. 4. Re-installation of salvaged concrete anchors as described in the drawings and as necessary based on the length of welded pipe installed. 5. Provide photo documentation showing work performed and repairs to the sewer outfall line. 6. Providing as-built data to the owner showing the final location of repaired outfall sewer line. 7. Salvage existing steel anchor and chain and deliver to the Wrangell Reliance Harbor hoist dock where the Borough will take possession.