Base Bid – Install approximately thirty-two (32) 46 KV weathered steel poles with a new 3- phase distribution line on five (5) of the poles. Twenty-seven (27) of these poles will have an existing double circuit 3-phase distribution line attached to them. This project will also consist of sawing off and capping twenty-four (24) existing concrete poles. All poles shall be backfilled with gravel. Alternate #1 – Relocating a 46 KV transmission line and a 3-phase distribution line consisting of approximately fourteen (14) new concrete transmission poles, and approximately three (3) new wood distribution poles. This Alternate will also include a 46 KV underground road bore under Greeno Road (Hwy 98) for approximately 300 feet. The road bore will consist of a 20-inch HDPE encasement with four (4) 5-inch and two (2) 2-inch HDPE conduits inside the encasement. The bore shall be 10-feet under the highway. Install an underground 3-phase distribution line, secondary street light line, and an empty 2-inch conduit for future fiber use along Ingleside Street to Morphy Avenue for approximately 630 feet. All concrete poles shall be backfilled with gravel. Alternate #2 – Installing a new 46 KV transmission line, existing distribution line, and a 2- inch conduit for fiber along the north side of Morphy Avenue, underground in PVC conduits beneath the existing sidewalk. In addition, this Alternate will consist of removing and hauling off the existing sidewalk, installing new 46 KV risers, and installing 3-phase 15 KV risers and termination cabinets.