HUD Part 58 Environmental Reviews (inclusive of Exempt (subject to §58.6 (applies to Part 58 only)), CEST (Categorically Excluded, Subject to §58.5 and §58.6), CENST (Categorically Excluded, Not Subject to §58.5 (but still subject to §58.6)) and EAs (Environmental Assessments), Phase I and II Assessments, Prime Farmlands Identification/Conversion, Jurisdictional Wetland Delineations, Cultural Resource Assessments, Noise Assessments & Analysis, Above Ground Storage Tank Identification and Separation Distance Analysis, Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys, Lead-based Paint Inspection/Risk Assessment/Clearance, Asbestos Inspection/Abatement Design/Management Plan, Mold Testing/Remediation Plan, and other related National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or environmental related work as may be identified. Work shall be directed by the City of Fairhope City Engineer and City of Fairhope Grants Coordinator.