Library(ies) shall have the following characteristics: A. Customized properties (metadata) that allow for: Document retention policy and document retention labels (applied to each document or category of document). Required fields (i.e. Subject, Document type, Letter No., Invoice No., Vendor Name, Contract No., Project No., Document Date, Date uploaded/created, Document “Owner” using existing acronyms, Audience, etc.) Fields to establish for each e-library shall be determined with STATE prior to build. New documents required to have certain metadata provided when added to library (mandatory fields). Metadata will be generated at the universal level of DOT SharePoint. Standardized list/keywords dropdowns/selections for required mandatory categories. B. Security (Group) Security policy shall be provided with user level security, i.e. Editor, Viewer, etc. for file and library access. C. User list Must use existing Microsoft Exchange for contacts...