1.1 The University of Central Missouri, hereinafter referred to as Owners, are requesting bids from qualified companies, hereinafter referred to as Vendor(s) for the construction of an NRA certified shooting range and infrastructure associated with the facility at the UCM Prussing Farm located near Warrensburg, MO. 1.1.1 The Prussing Farm is located at 447 East Division Road, Warrensburg, MO. 1.2 The Vendor shall include all costs associated with the labor, supervision, materials, supplies, permits and licenses required to perform the services requested in these Specifications, the plans and drawings (if attached) and other bid documents. 1.2.1 Any mention of compliance with these General Specifications shall also mean compliance according to the terms of all other documents attached to or referenced in the bid. 1.3 Contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsible, responsive Vendor whose bid substantially meets all of the required specifications, duties, terms, and conditions as defined in this request.