219D000 250 LF Horizontal Drain 1 1/2 Inch Diameter 403B000 305 Ton Micro-Surfacing Seal Coat, Type II 405A000 11,055 Gal Tack Coat 408B001 145,525 SQYD Micro-Milling Existing Pavement (Approximately 1.10" Thru 2.00" Thick) 410H000 1 Each Material Remixing Device 410I000 1 Each Smoothness Testing, Certified Inertial Profiler 423A008 5,455 Ton Stone Matrix Asphalt Wearing Layer, 3/8" Maximum Aggregate Size mix 424A363 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Wearing Surface Layer, Patching, 1/2" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 250 Ton 424A369 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Wearing Surface Layer, Widening, 1/2" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 2,245 Ton 424B003 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, 1/2" Maximum Aggregate Size mix, ESAL Range E 9,205 Ton 424B654 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, Patching, 3/4" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 750 Ton 424B658 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, Leveling, 3/4" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 250 Ton 600A000 1 LS Mobilization 665Q002 250 LF Wattle 698A000 1 LS Construction Fuel (Maximum Bid Limited to $ 192,915.00) 701A227 10 Mile Solid White, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 701A230 8 Mile Solid Yellow, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 701A239 9 Mile Broken White, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 701B207 1,260 LF Dotted, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 701C000 17 Mile Broken Temporary Traffic Stripe 701C001 34 Mile Solid Temporary Traffic Stripe 701G142 475 LF Broken White, Class W, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 701G146 475 LF Solid White, Class W, Type A Traffic Stripe (5"Wide) 701G154 475 LF Solid Yellow, Class W, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 701H001 950 LF Solid Traffic Stripe Removed (Plastic) 701H006 475 LF Broken Traffic Stripe Removed (Plastic) 703A002 1,048 SQFT Traffic Control Markings, Class 2, Type A 703B002 583 SQFT Traffic Control Legends, Class 2, Type A 703D001 444 SQFT Temporary Traffic Control Markings 705A030 1,346 Each Pavement Markers, Class A-H, Type 2-C 740B000 1,520 SQFT Construction Signs 740D000 350 Each Channelizing Drums 741C010 1 Each Portable Sequential Arrow And Chevron Sign Unit 742A001 2 Each Portable Changeable Message Sign, Type 2