201A002 Clearing And Grubbing (Maximum Allowable Bid $ 8,000.00 Per Acre) (Approximately 1 Acre) (1.000) LS 206D000 Removing Pipe 27 LF 206D011 Removing Fence 175 LF 210A000 Unclassified Excavation 1,475 CUYD 230A000 Roadbed Processing 5 RBST 301A012 Crushed Aggregate Base Course, Type B, Plant Mixed, 6" Compacted Thickness 1,380 SQYD 401A000 Bituminous Treatment A 1,380 SQYD 405A000 Tack Coat 390 Gal 408A052 Planing Existing Pavement (Approximately 1.10" Thru 2.0" Thick) 3,400 SQYD 424A360 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Wearing Surface Layer, 1/2" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 360 Ton 424B651 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, 1" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 230 Ton 424B681 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Lower Binder Layer, 1" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range C/D 235 Ton 428A001 Scoring Bituminous Pavement Surface 1 Mile 600A000 Mobilization (1.000) LS 602A000 Right Of Way Markers 4 Each 610D003 Filter Blanket, Geotextile 40 SQYD 623C000 Combination Curb & Gutter, Type C 179 LF 635A001 Woven Wire Fence (Metal Posts) 175 LF 650A000 Topsoil 300 CUYD 652A100 Seeding 1 Acre 656A010 Mulching 1 Acre 665A000 Temporary Seeding 1 Acre 665B001 Temporary Mulching 3 Ton 665J002 Silt Fence 200 LF 665O001 Silt Fence Removal 200 LF 665Q002 Wattle 50 LF 680A001 Geometric Controls (1.000) LS 698A000 Construction Fuel (Maximum Bid Limited to $ 17,450.00) (1.000) LS 701B207 Dotted, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 180 LF 701C001 Solid Temporary Traffic Stripe 2 Mile 701E010 Broken Temporary Traffic Stripe 1,320 LF 701G253 Solid White, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 2,205 LF 701G256 Broken Yellow, Class 2, Type A Traffic Stripe (5" Wide) 660 LF