201A002 Clearing And Grubbing (Maximum Allowable Bid $ $8,000.00 Per Acre) (Approximately 3 Acres) (1.000) LS 206A000 Removal Of Old Bridge, Station 58+85.00 Eastbound Roadway (1.000) LS 206A001 Removal Of Old Bridge, Station 58+87.00 Westbound Roadway (1.000) LS 206D000 Removing Pipe 138 LF 206D001 Removing Guardrail 1,672 LF 206E000 Removing Headwalls 2 Each 206E001 Removing Inlets 3 Each 206E004 Removing Concrete Abutment 4 Each 206E008 Removing Guardrail End Anchor (All Type) 8 Each 209A000 Mailbox Reset, Single 1 Each 210A000 Unclassified Excavation 4,456 CUYD 210D011 Borrow Excavation (A4 Or Better) 7,850 CUYD 214A000 Structure Excavation 1,079 CUYD 214B001 Foundation Backfill, Commercial 1,619 CUYD 215A000 Unclassified Bridge Excavation 813 CUYD 215B000 Cofferdams Or Sheeting And Shoring, Station 58+87.00 (1.000) LS 260A001 Cement Mortar Flowable Backfill, Mix 2 7 CUYD 301A012 Crushed Aggregate Base Course, Type B, Plant Mixed, 6" Compacted Thickness 8,733 SQYD 305B079 Crushed Aggregate,Section 825,Type A,For Miscellaneous Use 165 Ton 401A000 Bituminous Treatment A 8,733 SQYD 405A000 Tack Coat 6,830 Gal 408A052 Planing Existing Pavement (Approximately 1.10" Thru 2.0" Thick) 11,704 SQYD 424A279 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Wearing Surface Layer, Widening, 3/8" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range E 120 Ton 424A280 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Wearing Surface Layer, 1/2" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range E 3,569 Ton 424B281 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, 1" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range E 952 Ton 424B285 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, Patching, 1" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range E 250 Ton 424B289 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer, Leveling, 1" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range E 11,176 Ton 424B581 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Lower Binder Layer, 1" Maximum Aggregate Size Mix, ESAL Range E 2,163 Ton 428A001 Scoring Bituminous Pavement Surface 2 Mile 450B000 Reinforced Cement Concrete Bridge End Slab 460 SQYD 502A000 Steel Reinforcement 69,100 LB 502B000 Steel Reinforcement For Bridge Superstructure, Station 58+87.00, Approximately (1.000) LS