• Project Management: The contractor shall be responsible for the project management activities throughout the life of the contract including, but not limited to, managing the schedule, budget, organizing meetings, field reviews, and managing the project team. The consultant shall include an appropriate number of meetings with the RSA Team, City Staff and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT). • Safety Analysis: The contractor shall compile all available crash data from applicable sources, including the City, MODOT and the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP), and other sources as necessary. The historic crash data shall be compiled for a time frame that standard practice would require. The contractor shall compile traffic counts and turning movement counts at the major intersections along the corridor. It is expected that the contractor shall take the lead in securing all data and shall request any necessary data not readily accessible to them. Some aggregated and analyzed collision information is available. Contractor to be responsible for analyzing all available information and formatting information into a readily usable form for use by the RSA team. • Conduct RSA Team Meetings and Field Reviews: The contractor shall be responsible for planning, scheduling and conducting (at a minimum) opening and closing meetings and analysis sessions for the RSA Team. The contractor shall also be responsible for planning and coordinating the Field Review(s) for the RSA Team and recording the related information and recommendations. Responsibility for transportation arrangements for the team will be determined during contract negotiations. • Prepare Audit Report: The contractor shall use the data collected during the safety analysis and field reviews to complete an audit report. The report shall succinctly report the findings of the RSA Team through identification and prioritization of safety issues. The report shall also contain countermeasure recommendations for reducing risk. The recommendations shall be aimed at reducing overall incidents including a benefit cost analysis for each countermeasure. The prioritization procedure shall be approved by the City prior to developing the draft report. The report shall focus on specific infrastructure improvements necessary to reduce the number of potential fatal and severe injury crashes. • Present findings to project owners at a meeting, via a virtual meeting, in-person meeting, or a combination of in-person and virtual meetings as determined during contract negotiation.