The City requests proposals to provide the City with professional Parking Ticket Processing services through which a selected provider will: 1. Provide a full-featured, hosted parking ticket processing system that supports parking ticket lifecycle, including the capabilities listed below, and three (3) desk top computers compatible with the City’s requirements with necessary peripheral devices (monitor, mouse, keyboard, and printer): a. Latest technology of handheld equipment and software to issue parking tickets b. Data entry and updated of handwritten parking tickets c. Registered owner name and address acquisition from all U.S. States and the District of Columbia departments of motor vehicles d. Penalty and fee application according to City’s business rules, as amended; e. Generation and mailing of outgoing correspondence f. Generation and mailing of outgoing courtesy, delinquent, and other legally required notices g. Ability to send notices and outgoing correspondence to the ticket level address h. Scheduling of hearings for either the next available slot or customer-preferred date...