The CITY leases to DOCK VENDOR and DOCK VENDOR takes and leases from the CITY, subject to all terms and conditions set forth and on a non-exclusive basis, those areas numbered in Exhibit A as Dock Vendor Booths 1-6 (hereinafter referred to as “Leased Areas”). The Leased Area is defined as the 6 foot by 5.5 foot Dock Vendor Booth plus an area designated outside the booth encompassing a six foot area beyond the perimeter of the booth depending on the location of adjacent booths, structures, sidewalks and vehicle access lanes. The city manager or designee will establish the allowed perimeter at the location of each Dock Vendor Booth. The city manager, at the manager’s sole discretion, may increase or decrease the size of any Leased Area, will designate the location of any Leased Area and may relocate any Leased Area to another location on the City’s dock facility.