Furnish all plant, labor, materials and equipment necessary for demolition and removal of substandard structures and clean and clear lots at the locations listed below. Pilings and structures shall be leveled to ground level; foundations, pilings and concrete pads shall be removed. All excavations, cellars, low places, etc., shall be filled with clean, inert fill, not to include debris from the demolition, and the entire lot shall be graded to prevent water from standing. Appropriate erosion control measures (hay bales, silt fencing, etc.) shall be installed, where necessary, to prevent sedimentary run off from the property. Appropriate measures shall be taken to minimize dust generated by demolition activities. Specifically, water spray shall be utilized during demolition and grading activities to keep dust to an absolute minimum. The entire lot shall be cleaned of all brush, grass, rocks, shrubbery, undergrowth, trash, and debris. All resulting materials and debris shall be disposed of at any ADEM approved landfill and dump tickets shall be available for inspection by City staff upon request. Burning or burying of debris will not be permitted. All lots shall be graded and left in a condition where the property can be easily mowed by hand. Any trees or other objects to remain on the property shall be flagged by City staff prior to demolition. All asbestos siding or any other hazardous materials shall be disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations.