The IDNR seeks a contractor that shall dedicate two full-time equivalents, FTEs, toward the provision of on-site technical assistance and training to targeted Public Drinking Water Supplies (PWS) in gaining technical, financial, and managerial capacity and to achieve and maintain compliance with department requirements and the Safe Drinking Water Act. The target audience for this training consists of members of city councils, utility boards, water utility managers, operators, city clerks, and city administrators. Some expected outcomes are as follows: • improve the ability of the PWS to deal with technical, managerial, and financial aspects of the system, such as rate setting, capital planning, developing sampling plans and standard operating procedures, and recordkeeping; • assist PWSs with complying with Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) requirements including the administration of a specific contact number and email address for publication on DNR’s LSLI web page and on other publications for the sole purpose of providing timely technical assistance to LCRR inquiries; • assist PWSs in completing an Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ viability selfassessment manual, if required; • consult with the PWS in addressing the weak areas identified through DNR’s selfassessment manual or a sanitary survey performed by the DNR or a representative of the DNR; • assist a PWS in the return to a viable status if necessary, through working with PWS management and community leaders to develop policy, training, technical documents, or consolidation; • provide training to utility board and council members who govern many aspects of PWS operation to assist them in making decisions that enhance the viability of the systems; and • assist with presentations or the coordination of workshops as requested by the DNR.